Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wheat Bread

This is the whole wheat bread recipe I have used for years. I very carefully paid attention to what I do and how much of everything I use, so I hope this works. Let me know how successful or unsuccessful the adventure unfolds for you. Scott's first attempt was not as he wished. I hope I have cleaned up the problems with recipe.

Here it is:

Mix together and let proof:

2 cups warm milk or water

2 TBL sugar

1 TBL yeast


4 cups whole wheat flour

1/4 cup dried milk if using water

1/3 cup honey

Mix well until dough becomes sticky and develops some gloss.

Let set 20 minutes (or longer if you become busy--it really doesn't mind. Bread was invited by God to accommodate the unpredictable needs of small children--or large children)

Mix in:

2 eggs

1/4 cup oil

1 TBL salt

2 - 2 1/2 cups white flour—dough should be slightly sticky

Turn out onto a well floured counter—let set 10 minutes

Knead until smooth – working in no more that 1/4 cup flour

Let rise until double – 45 minutes and form into 2 loaves or

2 doz large rolls

Let rise and bake at 370°F


I have started adding about 1 1/2 cup cooked 10 grain cereal—it adds a

wonderfully nutty flavor. The dough will require about 1/2 cup additional flour

and will be a little more difficult to knead as it will be stickier. Do not add too much flour, or the bread will be really heavy.

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